Nordic Water offers NW® activated carbon products in a wide variety of applications. These NW® products include both activated carbons and impregnated carbons produced from a variety of raw materials. They are available in various particle types and size distributions to optimize your application. Nordic Water offers more than simply carbon as a commodity, we provide a full range of consulting, laboratory services, bench & pilot scale modeling and field services to ensure the customer receives the best adsorbent for his application. Sometimes it is impossible to specify the optimum adsorbent until actual field data is obtained or until laboratory work is performed to determine the precise adsorption characteristics necessary to optimally meet the customer requirements.
NW® activated carbons are available as follows:
• Carbon grades from coal as pellets, power or granular with several diameters
• Carbon grades from coconut shells as irregularly shaped granules or pellets.
• Carbon grades from wood with high surface area as powder or granular.
• Impregnated and special activated carbons produced from a variety of raw materials.
When unimpregnated carbon is not sufficiently effective in removing vapor phase contaminants from a gas stream, an impregnated NW® product is required. The addition of impregnants will enhance the adsorptive capabilities and allow a wide range of applications and increase performance. Nordic Water has the technical capabilities to provide the best impregnated carbons for each application based on our in-house expertise. If one of our standard impregnated products does not meet your requirements Nordic Water can develop a custom impregnated NW® for your application.
NW® products are available in whatever quantity you require, from a few pounds to full container or truck loads. Shipment of many types is from stock. Long term contracts are available for assured supply to meet your schedules anywhere in the world. Nordic Water has a fully qualified Quality Assurance Program that oversees the quality of our NW® products. Nordic Water has in-house laboratory capability for physical, chemical and radiological testing for your adsorbents.
A listing of common applications with recommended NW® products are available with the following links.
A Nordic Water Application Data Form is included for your use. Please complete it so we can analyze your needs and recommend the best NW® for your application. E-MAIL, FAX or mail it to us. We look forward to working with you to meet your adsorbent needs in the most cost effective manner possible.