Design-Build-Own-Operate and Maintain

Complete wastewater treatment system are designed, built, owned, operated and maintained (DBOOM) by Nordic Water LA at industrial facilities that generate wastewater. Compensation is in the form of monthly payments for the amount of water treated, purified and discharged to sewer or reused. The per-gallon charge fixes the total cost for processing the waste stream. Nordic Water LA owns, operates and maintains the equipment.


Customer Benefits

  • Little risk
  • No capital employed in non core business assets
  • No need to operate or maintain equipment
  • Assurance of a well-run and well-operated system
  • Significant cost savings
  • If waste is presently being hauled to a commercial waste treatment facility, this program will help to considerably reduce costs.
  • Costs fixed for the term of the contract
  • Lower environmental liability


Complete Wastewater Solutions

Nordic Water LA supplies complete wastewater treatment systems on a contract basis. Payment is made on a “cents-per-gallon treated” basis.  Operation of the system and maintenance is the responsibility of NW. Each contract is tailored to the Owner's requirements. 

A typical example is a system installed by Nordic Water LA at a major bearing manufacturer’s plant. The system processes oily wastewater from machining and grinding operations, wash water, tumbling waste, and boiler blowdown. The system purifies water for sewer discharge continuously and automatically. It removes metals, oil, grease and phenols in order to make the water acceptable for discharge to the sewer. The concentrate of contaminants is disposed through a national waste disposal company. The bearing manufacturer hauled their oily wastewater until the Nordic Water LA system was started. Overall costs were initially reduced 61% and have improved as disposal charges have risen.


Experience Counts

Nordic Water LA has been engaged in supplying complete systems for industrial wastewater treatment since 1979. We have installed over 500 systems during that period of time. Nordic Water LA has provided systems on a DBOOM basis since 1993.


How to Get Started

An outsourced contract project starts the same way all projects start. First we must obtain information that helps us characterize the waste stream and the treatment requirements. Treatability work is to be completed then a system design and proposal can be developed. At that time, the terms of the contract can be negotiated. Pilot testing on-site is often implemented to confirm the project requirements.



The system installed will minimize operator attention.  A locally-employed Nordic Water LA technician will attend to the system on a daily basis to check for proper functioning, the need for service or maintenance and water quality. The treated water is checked for compliance with discharge standards. Specific tests are completed for each parameter that must be monitored for compliance with sewer discharge. In this way, we are assured that the treated water always complies with requirements. The concentrated waste is separated from the water and disposed of through an approved and licensed disposal firm. The cost for the disposal of the residual waste may be included as part of the charge for the contract service. The attention, care and maintenance required by the system is handled by the NW operator.


Great Value Without Risk

Design-Building-Own-Operate and Maintain (DBOOM) offers fixed treatment and disposal costs for the period of the contract, allowing clients to accurately predict operating costs. Options can be negotiated that allow for purchase of the system at the end of the contract terms. Where capital or labor is restricted, contract service agreements offer a reliable means of both reducing and fixing costs.