Our Portfolio for Wastewater Analysis

Planning new wastewater treatment plants or overhauling and optimizing existing systems requires a comprehensive analysis of the current wastewater. Basic data, such as wastewater volume per day, the temperature of the wastewater, and available space, determines the general design of a facility.

In addition, our laboratory experts assess the composition of the wastewater and its constituent substances. Using an individual checklist, we develop, together with the customer, an overview concerning specific parameters, such as the following.

Analysis of Important Wastewater Parameter:
Chemical, Physical and Microbiological Laboratory Analysis of Wastewater

Wastewater Analysis

The wastewater analysis is the foundation for developing key data and developing a comprehensive wastewater treatment concept. Our service portfolio starts with the analysis of the wastewater either on site or in our laboratory. Furthermore, we conduct examinations in accordance with the self-control regulation, evaluate the analysis results, prepare technical reports and develop water and wastewater balance sheets. On this basis, we identify potentials for process optimization.

Your Advantages
We can perform the following testing methods for our clients:
  • Activated carbon testing
    Ion-exchange testing
    Listing of breakthrough curves
  • Biological degradation tests
    Precipitation and flocculation tests
    AOP tests (Advanced Oxidation Processes)
Wastewater Analysis via Pilot Plants

Based on the preceding laboratory analysis, and the results from the applied test procedures, the project design can begin. An alternative option is the conception of a pilot plant for a direct test run on site. Our pilot plants are completely prefabricated and allow for a fast analysis of even difficult-to-treat wastewaters.

The application of pilot plants saves you both investment and later costs, and you can convince yourself of our service even before you place your order.

Process Optimization through Wastewater Technology

Increase in wastewater volume, fluctuations in the wastewater concentration, changes in the effluent contents and/or changes within water permits often require the adaptation or supplementation of a client’s existing technology.

Our laboratory for wastewater treatment supports the client in optimizing previously implemented wastewater treatment technology. The notion of “green” chemistry is central to our service. For us, this means increasing energy efficiency, reducing environmental impact, applying analytical methods to the monitoring of environmental pollution, and supporting safe processes.

With our team of experienced environmental experts, Nordic Water LA accompanies clients in the analysis and optimization of their processes. We examine pre-existing wastewater technology efficiency to design an effective split-stream treatment or complete treatment to allow for the direct and indirect discharge. Our portfolio covers (among others) the following methods:

  • Biological Water Treatment
    Degradation of the Organic Load
    Nitrification (Oxidation of Ammoniac or Ammonium Ions to Nitrate)
    De-Nitrification (Reduction of Nitrate to elementary Nitrogen)
  • Chemical-Physical Water Treatment
    Separation of Contaminants
    Activated Carbon Treatment
    AOP Processes (Advanced Oxidation Processes)
  • We support projects such as the expansion and/or restructuring of an existing plant, and the reprogramming of the plant control system or options for water treatment for multiple usage through our well-founded analyses, thus making a significant contribution to operational and planning security.
Supplementing Wastewater Analysis through Feasibility Studies

Within the scope of feasibility studies, Nordic Water LA specialists examine various approaches for their technical suitability as well as their economic efficiency. This in-depth analysis of project concepts and early identification of risks ensure increased planning security.

Feasibility studies can be an integral part of comprehensive planning as well as a separate project. They are also suitable for obtaining a second opinion when offered possible solutions.